Monday, May 6, 2024

BWW Project #16 Missing Ridge Cap

 BWW Project @16  Missing Ridge Cap

While I was up on the roof mitigating the damage of the awning peeled off above the south bedroom window, I took the time to climb to the top of the main roof.  There I realized that the dormer portion, half of each bedroom upstairs and the upstairs bathroom, was re-roofed with architectural shingles.  That solves the problem of wondering what the stains in the closet ceilings were.  This is real good news.  There is most of a bundle of architectural shingles in the basement and I wondered what the heck they were for since the visible roof is 3-tabs.

There is an ornamental cupola on the ridge of the garage which has a weather vane on it but the sides will be needing painting.  That's for another day.  

There was an end piece of ridgecap gone, however, and I replaced that with a piece cut from one of the architectural shingles.  Don't want any more leaks.  Eventually I hope to put an overhang on the gable ends throughout.

This picture shows where the ride cap was replaced at the peak, but I hadn't yet put the top piece of siding on the gable end.

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