Friday, June 21, 2024

Farm Project #2 Install Haier Double Exhaust Air Conditioner

 Farm Project #2:  Install Haier Double Exhaust Air Conditioner

In the midst of bringing up the water and opening up the routine systems at the farm, it was necessary to take the time to install the double exhaust air conditioner into its place in the living room window to the right of the large picture window.  

The exhaust tubes, which are insulated, fit onto the storm/screen and the sliding storm window comes down to secure them.  I have cut pieces of Styrofoam to the proper dimensions to form in around all of this and we have rolled up some rags to fill in all the spaces so the window can slide down on top of all this.  

I keep a photo on my cellphone to remember the setup each year.  Once it is rolled into its summer spot and the tubes to the window are secure, the Haier can be turned on.  

It was raining when I arrived this time but soon quit and the sun came out.  Humidity was high and the forecast was for heat and humidity so I needed to get a jump on controlling this.  It was 75 in the upstairs.  I put the unit on air conditioning high setting and turned it on.  I'm lucky to bring the upstairs down a degree or two in the course of a hot day, but at least it lowers the humidity level and makes it livable.  

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