Sunday, June 23, 2024

Farm Project #4 Bosch Clothes Washer

 Farm Project #4: Bosch Clothes Washer

The washer and dryer at the farm are used very little so they are almost like new even though they have been there for twenty years.  Last year, however, the washer began refusing to end the wash cycle, giving an error code, which I looked up.  Water feed sounded like the problem.  

The two machines are installed side-by-side in a basement closet, a very efficient installation with doors that can be swung shut to conceal them.  Each year when I close up the house, however, I have to waltz the dryer out so that I can get in behind it and unhook the feeds for the washer and drain them for the winter since the heat will be turned off.  In the spring I go back, hook them up again, and waltz the two machines back into place, having also cleaned out the long hot air exhaust of the dryer.  It is what it is. 


This year, before hooking up the feeds, I decided to address the problem.  Putting my phone and a flashlight back there I was able to take a couple of shots of the feeds and to verify that, indeed, they were crusted in with mineral deposits.

Lime-Away seemed to be the logical product to use and I also found some small implements to gently move it away from the stainless steel screens inside the feeds.  The Lime-Away foamed up, I

gently brushed around in there, and the vacuumed it out with the shop-vac.  I did this several times and then took some more pictures.  Voila!  The screens and insides of the feeds were very clean.


w I could finally put the feed hoses back on the move everything back into place, including the dryer.  The final test would be to do the wash, and I had a load of dirty stuff and rags ready.

My lucky day!  The washer functioned flawlessly.  Now I just have to remember to do this step every 2 or 3 years and obviate the problem happening again.  Very happy about the positive outcome of this one!

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