Monday, August 19, 2024

BWW Project #38 Down Bedroom Bathroom Vent Fan

 BWW Project #38: Down Bedroom Bathroom Vent Fan

The vent fan in the downstairs bedroom bathroom is a different make than the one I just did in the other down bathroom.  It is a replacement because it is of a newer model.  I would not say that it is an improvement, however.  The armature is removed by drawing out two bolts which go through the stator and up into the assembly above, secured by two small nuts above.  This part is easy and the stator drops away to reveal the rotor which is attached to the fan blades above the assembly.  

Cleaning and lubricating everything is a little tough because the fan stays up there.

Putting it all back together is a real nightmare because you are working above your head, threading these two bolts up through the stator and lining them up with the tiny holes above, holding the nuts with your finger, and getting them started, without dropping the whole mess.  It took many tries, and I sliced my finger pushing too hard above.  

Finally I got the whole thing back together with some lithium grease put in where I could.  Fortunately it started right off without squealing and should be good for some time.  I'm not looking forward to taking it apart again.  I'm thinking that I could hang the bolts down from the top and secure them below without the device knowing the difference.  Hopefully I'll remember that possibility.

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