Thursday, September 26, 2024

Farm Project #12 -- Garden Bull Work

 Farm Project #12:  Garden Bull Work

We went to the farm, ostensibly for Cathy to weed her gardens and try to pare them down more and for me to fix some things, particularly the clothes dryer.

After some preliminary time, we realized that she would be overwhelmed with the weeding if I didn't help.  I spent half of two days digging out ferns, digging up sod around the septic tank cover, tripod, and in and around the hydrangeas in the front yard, and toting away a grand total of 20 well-loaded wheelbarrows of weeds and plants that we had removed and thrown in piles all over the place.  There was a lot of angst over it all, but in the end the gardens were under control, although there will be more titivating to be done even yet this fall.

She sprinkled some grass seed all over places that were made bare by our work, and we eventually left to visit her brother in Elk Mound before returning home via Mishicot where our youngest grand daughter was slated to run cross country.

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