Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Farm Project #17 - Finishing the Dryer Repair

 Farm Project #17:  Finishing the Dryer Repair

Before installing the drive motor pulley, I shot lithium grease into all moving parts that I could and got them movi8ng.  Then on went the pulley and ready to button up.

Again, the YouTube video was very useful.  I draped the new belt around the tub and stuck the tub into place on the rollers in back and made sure the felt lining was tucked properly.  Then I reached beneath and looped the belt under the new tensioner, pulled the tensioner up (you have to stick your head into the tub to do this and reach arms around both sides at the bottom) and hooked the belt around the drive pulley.

Now the front cowling goes on, again with the felt lining properly tucked.  I found that the tub would spin, but I made the mistake of spinning it the wrong way.  There was a big metallic "clang".  The belt wandered off the tensioner, of course.  I could reach in and put it back properly.  

Now I used the pictures I took to hook up the wiring clips properly everywhere.  

Then came hanging the front pieces of the chassis back on and securing them.  There are two little clips that hook the top metal chassis piece and secure it.  Once all but the very front sheet were back on, I plugged in the dryer and pushed start.  It ran nicely.

Now the final sheet is secured on and I was able to wash clothes and run two loads through the dryer to make sure everything worked properly before I shoved it back into the laundry closet next to the washer.

It worked fine.  Not only operating properly, but even more efficiently now that I have removed all that dust and build-up from fan vanes, tubes, and surfaces.

This has been a lengthly odyssey but all's well that ends well.

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