Sunday, April 14, 2024

FL Project #7

 FL Project #7   Dragon Boat Cradles

I am in the dragon boat club and we have a 20-man boat plus two 10-man boats.  When out of the water we have been accustomed to dragging them up on a carpeted area either right onto cradles or dragging them up and then lifting the ends and having the cradles stuffed beneath.

The cradles are wooden frames made of pressure treated 2 x 4 with lengths of fire hose stretched across and bolted.  Someone's very ingenious idea, probably Jim Fierce.

Anyway I volunteered to be on a small group dedicated to upgrading the whole dragon boat system and I have had some ideas about some things that need to be done. These boats are expensive and deserve proper care.

Jim and I embarked upon stretching new fire hose across the frames.  Our park has its own fire truck and they have hose that is outdated.  They give us pieces for free.  Jim and I torqued off the lag bolts and cut new pieces and stretched them across.  He later started replacing the rotted bottom 2 x 4's with pressure treated pieces but got ill and left the job sitting.  Ed Campbell and I went down and finished cutting them, drilling pilot holes and bolting on the new bottoms.  

There are six cradles in all and now they are rehabilitated.

They all look pretty much like this one.  Not a rocket science project, but needed, and a couple hours in the nice weather with friends.

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