Tuesday, April 16, 2024

FL Project #8 Screw Hooks for Dragonboat Cover

 FL Project #8:  Screw Hooks for Dragonboat Cover

We place two of the dragonboats up on cradles and have always passed straps beneath and hooked the covers on when not in use.  For some reason, we have taken to just pulling a ten-man boat up on the carpet.  That made it impossible to pass anything beneath.  I ordered eight dog screws which have pretty wide screw blades and a tie-on nub at the top.  It took a lot of tapping to get them through the crust which we have pounded down by walking and dragging the boat up onto the carpet, but they went down and I got some red chalk for dry-lines and put little circles around them and a line to haul the bow up to, much like airplanes at an airport gate.  Short bungies easily clip into the grommets in the cover and onto the nubs.  Everyone seemed to like it, and we could use them even if we go back to putting the cradles under the boat.  

Everyone seemed to think they were great.  The screws were from Amazon and cost about 6 bucks apiece, which wasn't too expensive.

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