Monday, June 17, 2024

BWW Project #26 Another day of bull work

 BWW Project #26:  Another day of bull work

BWW has a huge garden and some more bull work needed doing.  Schlepping up another 11 bags worth of plant and garden refuse and taking them to the city collection spot started things off.  This is going to be an ongoing thing, but not at the extreme levels it has been during this garden renormalizing process.

Next was the community garden, which has been kept pending obtaining a plot in a nearer community garden.  Wheel barrowing mulch to put this in shape was my part, in the blazing sun and heat.  Also carrying water to the tomato, pepper, and melon plants.  And this was only my part--she had to weed, plant, dig up rhubarb and raspberries to transplant at the house.

Finally to the house, where these big pots full of dirt had to be moved to their final (hopefully) sites.  Plants in there are safer from rabbits, of which there are plenty.  Also 6 bags of potting soil had to be gotten and carried all the way from the driveway, around the garage, and to the back of the yard where these things are set up.  This gardening is not for sissies and I have to get back to stuff more within my skill set, but it is helpful to Cathy who spends hours making all this stuff work back there.  

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