Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Farm Project #6 Refrigerator fin cleaning

 Farm Project #6:  Refrigerator Fin Cleaning

The refrigerator at the farm is, I guess, the only appliance holdover from when my mom and step-dad lived there, other than the electric heat.  Everything else has been changed out.  But it only runs about half the year.  Nevertheless, the fins haven't been cleaned in a long time and as long as I was vacuuming up everything else, including Asian beetles, it was time to check them out.  Other fridges we have turned out to need it pretty badly.  Off with the grille under the door and...

Kinda dirty.  I keep a lot of cokes and beers in there so there is some ballast, and it still runs pretty often.  A good vacuuming and it looked a lot better...

Not the hardest project in the world, but well worth doing and I think it ran less often after the cleaning.  It's hard to say because it runs more when it's real hot.

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