Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Farm Project #7 BBQ Grill Rehab

Farm Project #7: BBQ Grill Rehab

Have done this in Florida and at BWW.  This grill, at the farm, is horrendously filthy.  It looks like a bird tried to build a nest of leaves and stuff in it, it needed a scraping, and a good shop-vacuuming.  I sucked out all the debris, scraped the grill plates, checked for loose paint or gunk on the inside of the cover and below the heat diffusers.

Wheeled it up to its normal summer spot behind the house and perched over the well-head on its little board base.  All cleaned up and ready to go.

Cooked two hot dogs on it to test it out.  Delicious!  Ready for another summer of little usage.

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