Thursday, May 9, 2024

BWW Project #19 Digging out ferns

 BWW Project #19  Digging out ferns

Gardening is not my wheelhouse and Cathy usually does it all except if there is some bull work.  Digging out ferns is bull work.  The north side of the house and the east edge flower gardens were full of them and they are invasive and hard to control.  Therefore they had to be dug out by the root balls, which are like little pineapples.  

If allowed to take over they will get so bad that a roto-tiller will not even chop up the root balls which turn into root bales.

This only shows some of the north side and...

this shows the back gardens AFTER I spent an entire morning and afternoon digging them all out.  The ones on the north side of the house only took another 1/2 day.  About three ACE bags for yard waste full, to add to the other dozen or so for Cathy's garden pick up and weeding.  Quite a pile, but these gardens have been minimally tended to for the past few years.

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